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This T-shirt Can Detect Pollution

Written By Emdua on Jumat, 22 Juli 2011 | 08.58

The depiction of pollution can be very fashionable at the hands of two graduate students at New York University (NYU), United States. Nien Ngo Lam and Sue created a high-tech T-shirt decorated with a heart and lungs.

Figure lung in a pink shirt and can change color to blue when exposed to dirty air. The idea of ​​making this shirt actually comes when they are looking for ideas for a course assignment "wearbale technology" or technologies that may be imposed. They got the idea after doing the interactive telecommunications program with the Tisch School of the Arts.

"Changes in the body organs can not be seen, such as exposure to pollution and undiagnosed silent killer," said Lam, as quoted by the NY Daily News.

Ngo also revealed, "We want to create a visualization from the inside out. This is a reminder to yourself and others around you."

A carbon monoxide sensor attached to a small coin-sized T-shirts. Its function is to detect the good air pollution from cars, factories, and even passive smoking. The sensor is placed in a microcontroller which is programmed to send electrical currents through the shirt, which will heat the wires below the image the liver and lungs.

Because the images of organs made of thermochromic materials that change color dramatically when heated, blue veins will be visible when the sensors find the toxin in the air.

"They want to make something that could be used as well look pretty. This is the perfect project," said designer Despina Papadopoulos, their teachers.

Nien Ngo Lam and Sue hope to find a way to make these socks in bulk at low prices. Beautiful socks using materials costing U.S. $ 60 worth of materials and they are trying to increase it.

In addition to jerseys, and Ngo Lam also experimented with other types of sensors, including alcohol detector. "If there is alcohol, the sensor will work and change the color of liver," says Ngo.
08.58 | 0 komentar | Read More

Heart transplant success Undergo Surgery

Liver transplant surgery or liver transplantation can now be done in Indonesia. Even success can be 100 percent, like a lot of liver transplant operations performed abroad.

This was evidenced from the experience of two first liver transplant patients at Puri Indah Hospital. Namely, Soebagijo, 60-year-old entrepreneur and Nidjat Ibrahim, 64 years old woman who works as a lecturer at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Trisakti. Liver transplantation is a last resort thing to do two of these patients due siroris disease (hardening of the liver) and liver cancer (hepatoma) suffered.

Initially, Subagijo and Nidjat has conducted various kinds of treatment to cure the diseases they suffered. Nidjat even have time to do treatment to abroad. But thanks to teamwork Puri Indah Hospital doctors, RSCM, Faculty of Medicine University with The First Affiliated Hospital, Zhejiang University, China, finally the liver transplant surgery at the Hospital Puri Indah first can be done successfully.

Nidjat Ibrahim & Soebagijo

"Liver transplantation is the last way to do both patients, and this operation is one of the largest projects undertaken in Puri Indah Hospital," said RS Pondok Indah Group CEO, Dr. Yanwar Hadiyanto, when the first Meeting of the Liver Transplant Patients at Hospital Castle Indah Kembangan, Jakarta, Thursday, January 20, 2011.

The first patient RS Puri Indah, Subagijo perform operations on December 14, 2010, while Nidjat on December 17, 2010. Porses opreasi both take the same ie 13 hours. And now both patients in good health and function of the transplanted liver to work normally.

"Both patients had 100 percent healthy, but they still must perform periodic check-ups and must take medication for life to the liver can process goes well," said one team doctor liver transplant surgery Tjhang Supardjo (MD Msurg, FCCS).

According Tjhang actually suffering from hepatoma patients can be cured with surgery cut the tumor, tumor tissue burn locally or chemotherapy as much done on cancer patients in general. However, both conditions are very severe and can not be helped by other treatments.

"Cirrhosis suffered already under severe conditions, and the mother was lying even Nidjat condition, distended stomach, and diminishing consciousness," said Dr. Tjhang.

 Thanks to a donor liver transplant eventually they can be healthy and return to work like a normal human being. The team leader trasnplantasi heart doctor Dr. RS Puri Indah Hermansyur Kartowisastro Sp B (KBD) adding liver transplantation process is using a living donor (donor leaving). Donors who did not want his identity published today was in good health.

"Methods of operation by leaving the donor is more difficult, because the first principle we hrus create comfortable and ensure the donor's condition could return 100 percent healthy. Transpantasi different from other organs, which should donate all his organs, but not so with a liver transplant, "Hermansyur.

Donor liver is taken in part and donated to the sick. While the donor-recipient, the liver must pengangkatkan entirely because it was not functioning properly. For that surgical removal of liver from the donor and the recipient of the liver should also be conducted simultaneously in the same time.

Those who donate some of his heart, within 2 weeks, his heart will return to grow 60 percent, a month by 80 percent and within 6-8 months may be back to normal as early.

"The heart is the only organ that can regenerate naturally without the need for medication, and its function will be back to normal again in just over 2 months. And every single person can still live with 30 percent of healthy hearts," said Tjang.

Although liver transplants have been done, and Nidjat Subagjio still have to do regular check ups, healthy diet and a healthy living environment. Time controls must be obeyed after surgery, so that if a problem occurs, can be addressed.

Liver transplant surgery is not a cheap operation, it takes Rp1 Billion to perform this procedure. However, the future liver transplant team of doctors who cooperate with The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University, China led by Prof. Zheng Shu Sen, MD, PhD, FACS will seek lower cost than originally transplanted.

"We want more flying hours later, especially to help those who really need to perform liver transplants, and regular effort can be cheaper," said Yanwar added.
08.57 | 0 komentar | Read More

This Woman Hit by Stroke After Sex

Love can be very painful indeed. As is the case in New Zealand, a 44-year-old woman suffered a stroke after making out and getting 'love bites' from their partner.

Women who are not named, was immediately taken to Middlemore Hospital in Auckland. He suffered a partial paralysis of limbs, loss of ability to move the left arm. Doctors suspect he suffered a mild stroke, but could not find any obvious cause.

Then, the doctor saw a fading bruise on the right side of his neck or a 'love bite'. Under the bruises, they found the cause of stroke, which is the main artery damage. Of clotting and that's because these advances.

Clots of blood clots caused by the walk to the heart of the woman. This is why he suffered a stroke. The woman realized she had a stroke while sitting watching television.

"Sepengetahuaan me this is the first time a person must be hospitalized because of making out," said Dr.. Teddy Wu, who handles the woman, as quoted by the Daily Mail.

Dr. Wu added, "Due to the physical trauma caused by these advances, these women suffered some bruises in the arteries. Clots of blood to the heart and causes a mild stroke that causes loss of motion. We saw also the medical literature, and until now no one has explained this incident before," he said.

Women are then given the drug Warfarin, anti-freezing, to cope with blood clotting. Freezing was gone within a week. Dr. Wu then write the case in the current edition of the New Zealand Medical Journal. He told the Christchurch Press newspaper that if the problem is left, the woman can suffer.
08.56 | 0 komentar | Read More

Breastfeeding, Powerful Prevent Diabetes

Breastfeeding is not only beneficial for infant health, but also mothers. In addition to lowering the risk of breast cancer, breastfeeding is also a precaution against type 2 diabetes.

Dr. Alison Stuebe, researchers from Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, said the change in metabolism nursing mothers to help stabilize blood sugar levels and increase the body's sensitivity to the hormone insulin.

The study, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association was conducted involving two phases with 157 thousand nurses. They were asked to fill out health questionnaires periodically for at least 12 years. During the study, 6277 participants developed type 2 diabetes.

The study's first phase began in 1976. A total of 6.3 percent of participants who breastfed less than a year or not at all have diabetes. Meanwhile, participants who breastfed for more than a year, only 5.5 percent had diabetes.

The second study began in 1989. The result, women who breastfeed at least one year, about 15 percent less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who never breastfed. For each additional year of breastfeeding, there is an additional 15 percent reduction in risk.

Stuebe said, feeding continuously for at least one year will be better than breastfeeding for less than one year. Lowering blood sugar levels are also easier in lactating women than women not breastfeeding.

Those who breastfeed tend to have healthier lifestyles than those who do not breastfeed. Therefore, lactating women are generally selective in choosing healthy foods and nutritious. This kind of lifestyle would obviously encourage the body's metabolism to reduce the risk of diabetes.

Dr. Ruth Lawrence of the University of Rochester in New York added, based on previous studies, breastfeeding also plays down the risk of breast cancer, ovarian cancer and osteoporosis. He hoped that the benefits of breastfeeding that will encourage young mothers to breastfeed exclusively to her baby.
08.52 | 0 komentar | Read More

Treat Stress With a Pet

Having animal friends at home of course wonderful. At leisure, you can take your pet's favorite play.

Moreover, there are studies proving that the right pet health benefits. Its presence can help reduce the risk of heart disease, stress, and even can make you avoid other serious illnesses, as quoted from pages Shine.

But, of course, not all characters are created equal pets. Some, perhaps too risky endanger your life. Well, that not one pet, the following can you make the guidelines for choosing a pet at home.

1. Dog

"Getting a dog can bring benefits to human happiness and longevity is extraordinary," the judge said Marty Becker, DVM, author of The Healing Power of Pets.

In the study also stated that having a dog can lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides, can even live longer after suffering a heart attack. Not only that, other benefits can also make your body fitter owners, especially, if you and your beloved pet walks often do activities during morning and afternoon.

Getting a dog is also useful to increase happiness. "Just stroking a dog such as spa treatments," says Dr. Becker. "After only a minute or two (stroke) you have a positive neurochemicals such as dopamine and serotonin. And the dogs get the same help. Dogs also contribute to drug and detect cancer."

Even so, you still have to carefully choose a dog. Some types of dogs are hairy, evenly spaced cause allergies. But, take it easy, you can choose a dog that is safe, like a poodle or poodle mix (or gold-labradoodles doodles), or a Portuguese water dog (Obama's choice).

Another tip to reduce the allergic reaction is by way of a good dog treat. At least, bathe once a week with additive-free shampoo.

2. Cat

More than 30 percent of Americans live with at least one cat in her home. Could be, they have earned benefits such as lowering stress levels.

The effect on reducing stress memiara cat was later proven through research on a number of stockbrokers who have high blood pressure. After they keep adopting a cat or a dog, stress that they feel a gradual decline.

Cats can be categorized as a pet owner who can be healthy. Researchers at the University of Minnesota recently found again that people who never memiara cats have 40 percent higher risk of death from heart attack compared with those who adopted a cat.

Many people claim that when they are sick or upset, their beloved cat can understand how to always be around him. The presence of these cats make the owner feel comfortable and calm.

Dr. Becker noted that the cat has a temperature of about 101.5 degrees and snoring with a vibration of 25 vibrations per second, the frequency of which can help lower blood pressure.

It is true that many people are allergic to cats than dogs, especially if located close to the children. "Most of the animals appeared allergies in children," says Dr. Beck. For that, we recommend, if you have children at home, avoid to keep the cat.

However, some types of cats such as the American shorthair and Siamese are generally friendly to children.

3. Fish

"Seeing the fish, such as listening to music, can distract you in a good way," says Dr. Becker. Many studies show that spending time in nature and about wildlife can reduce stress and improve welfare.

Added, the presence of aquarium fish at home allows you to undergo a healing action. "This could be a small ecosystem in your house," says Dr. Becker.

Watching the fish gliding in the water can offer a sense of calm and can relieve stress. That is why many doctors' waiting rooms are filled with aquarium. In fact, one study found that perceived stress when the patient will undergo dental surgery, will decrease when they are staring at fish in aquarium fish for 20 minutes.

Some fish such as tetras bloodfin, Bettas, and pet goldfish could be attractive. If you're stressed at work, try installing the desktop aquarium and let your attention drift. This could be a powerful sedative.

4. Bird

In addition to fish, animals could be maintained with a small space at home is a bird. The beauty of his voice can provide a sense of relaxed, even able to generate energy. These animals provide the same interactive fun such as cats and dogs.

If you do not have a place to nurture the birds, you can simply see the wild birds that danced above the tree.

To attract attention, try to scatter the seeds in the yard, secured, these little birds will come and perch for a while there. In fact, according to the study, such activity can increase family togetherness, when done with other family members.

Or, try the DVD version: according to the study, simply by watching videos of birds, primates, and fish, stress that you experience can go down.

5. Horse

Of course, the size and strength of a horse can make them a bit daunting for a beginner. However, if able to control it, can provide substantial healing effect. "If you can control it, it's a sign, you can perform the control of a problem that may occur in your life," explains Dr. Becker.

That is why the horse is often used as part of hundreds of useful therapeutic program for men, women victims of violence, the disabled, people with eating disorders, and other groups.
08.51 | 0 komentar | Read More

You save less precise way

Most housewives make a stock of vegetables and fruit in the refrigerator for a few days needs. But unfortunately, sometimes the freshness to be reduced, even though new wilt be saved a day. What causes it?

This case could have occurred because of the way you store less precise. If so, how to keep fresh fruit and vegetables in a long time? Follow these guidelines, taken from the pages of the Times of India.

- Never store apples mixed with vegetables or other fruits

Apples release of certain gases that trigger fruit and vegetables in the surrounding areas easily decay. Similarly, tomato, and cucumber. Never store them in the same place. Tomatoes release gases that can make a rotten cucumber.

- Keep cheese in an airtight jar

Cheese store in an airtight container can help absorb moisture from the cheese. Moreover, it can keep him fresh for a longer period of time.

- Keep potatoes in the refrigerator

Potatoes absorb odors from food cooked or even vice versa. It also absorbs the gas in the fridge so it helps in the surrounding vegetable and fruit stay fresh. But you have to replace the potatoes every few days.
08.47 | 0 komentar | Read More
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